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Photo by F. D. Richards

On May 24, with Pentecost Sunday, our time with the Narrative Lectionary came to an end. We hope that another year following the biblical story from beginning to end (at least of the pages of the bible) helped you to grow in your understanding of how all the stories fit together, not only in God’s story but our own stories as well.

For the summer, we’re starting off with a two-part series on the Trinity, inspired by a question about the Trinity, why we even have it and why it matters.

May 31 – Why Do We Have the Trinity?
Part 1
Selected verses from Exodus 3, John 1, Matthew 28, 1 Corinthians 2

June 6 – Why Do We Need the Trinity?
Part 2
Scriptures: Genesis 18 and Ephesians 4:5-6
Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Then, in June, July and August, our worship services will be shaped by chapters from Barbara Brown Taylor’s An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. ** If you would like a copy of the book ordered for you, please let Pastor Lori ([email protected]) or Deb in the office know (895-6060 or [email protected]). Cost is around $13. (Also available for Kindle)

June 14 – Waking Up and Paying Attention!
Chapter 1 (The Practice of Waking Up to God – Vision) and Chapter 2 (The Practice of Paying Attention – Reverence)
June Birthday Sunday

June 21 – We Belong to Each Other
Chapter 6 (The Practice of Encountering Others – Community)
Reception of New Members

June 28 – All of Me
Chapter 3 (The Practice of Wearing Skin – Incarnation)