We believe that all people are the children of God, created by divine love and wisdom, called to lives of thanksgiving and service.
As Christians we confess Jesus Christ is Lord, and that his Spirit is among us as God’s living presence in the world.
As Presbyterians, we believe that God speaks to us through the Scriptures, as we read and interpret them in light of our experience, aided by modern scholarship.
We embrace a broad range of theological views and ways of living out the Christian faith in our community.
At our monthly communion services, we invite anyone who shares our faith in Jesus Christ to join us at the Lord’s Table.
We believe that the Christian life is a never ending journey of discovery.
Through the Holy Spirit, God empowers us to grow in faith, make more mature decisions and live more faithful lives.
That means we keep our minds and hearts open to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.