Don’t worry, rhubarb isn’t in any danger… except of being baked into dozens of pies and desserts to serve on Friday, July 24th when RAGBRAI passes through Mount Vernon!
When RAGBRAI ws here in 2012, our congregation’s “Got Rhubarb?” theme (including rhubarb brats!) made such an impression we were mentioned by the Des Moined Register. In fact, when that same reporter was preparing an article about RAGBRAI 2015 pass-through towns, he called our church to learn what is happening around Mount Vernon (and asked if we would have rhubarb everything again!).
With that kind of encouragement, the answer is yes, but we need your help.
- Please harvest as much rhubarb as you can (from your own garden, or any friend or neighbor willing to share), chop it up and freeze it.
- Mark Thursday, July 23 and/or Friday, July 24th on your calendar to help set up and/or serve.
- Watch for details on how you can help bake pies, etc.
This really is a terrific FUNraiser for our congregation. Many hands don’t only make light work, they make it more enjoyable for everyone.
Thanks for anything you can do for this event!