Worship This Week
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Text: Romans 6:1-14
Sacrament of Baptism
Narrative Lectionary:
Week 34
New Life in ChristOnly two more Sundays to go with Year 1 of the Narrative Lectionary. This is our third of four weeks with Romans AKA Paul’s Letter to the Church in Rome. This morning’s passage describes how because Christ died and was raised to newness of life, so we, too, in our baptism have died to sin.
Fittingly, we will observe the Sacrament of Baptism for Augusta Joy, daughter of Daniel and Marie Riechers!UPCOMING WORSHIP EVENTS
May 21 – Sacrament of Baptism
May 28 – Pentecost Sunday & Noisy Offering followed by a church potluck
June 18 – Ecumenical Worship at Seeds of Faith featuring VBS kids Find this week’s bulletin online here
Paper bulletins are available in the sanctuary.
Find Our Worship Online
Join us on Facebook or YouTube beginning at 9:20 (to enjoy the prelude; service begins at 9:30) for a LIVE stream of the service!
To find us on Facebook, search “First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, Iowa.”
To find us on YouTube, search “FirstPresMV” to find our channel, then click on LIVE.
Children PreK and up may leave for Sunday School with their teachers following Discovery Time. The nursery is open starting at 9:15 for children in kindergarten and younger.
Besides learning about the day’s Bible reading, the children are creating a mural.
THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers: Shane Austerman, Sam Baur Schoer, Kristi Karwal Clark, Sue Deibner, Beth Simon, and Emily Walsh along with our Director of Christian Education, Jonathan Walsh. We appreciate you!
Nearly every Sunday, the faithful and talented members of our choir arrive early to provide us with music that always enhances our worship service. Thank you so much to Elaine Bishop, Jim Bonewald, Craig Engel, Luna Higgins, Patrician Hogan, Erin Lane, Bernie Paulson, Connie Proffitt, and Elizabeth Riechers, and of course, the incomparable, Julia Andrews!
At WEO on Wednesday, a crew of kids planted plants and seeds for our pollinator garden. We have asters and sedum from Pastor Lori and penstemon and buttercup from Beth Simon. Morning Glory Farm donated purple coneflowers, yarrow, rudbeckia and butterfly weed. Thanks to everyone who helped!
The second screen was mounted on Saturday, May 13 by Scott Larson and Gerald Gerber. Thank you both so much for your hard work! Session approved buying another flat panel television to mount on the wall in the social hall.
Saturday, June 3 from 9:00-Noon (if needed)
If you would like to learn to run the AV system, please RSVP to Scott Larson ([email protected]).
The U.S. Surgeon General recently released a report identifying the epidemic of loneliness in our country, exacerbated by the pandemic and the habits we developed of staying home and staying away. Relationships of all kinds are critical for our physical and mental health. And as we so often say in worship, We need each other. To that end, we are scheduling a variety of events to encourage member–old and new and in between!–to connect/reconnect with each other. We would love to see you there!
Pentecost Potluck
Sunday, May 28 following worship
Bring a side dish or dessert to share.
We will provide entrée options (including vegan), drinks and table service.
Meet Up for Dinner at Morning Glory Farm
Thursday, June 15 from 5:30-7:00
Join your FirstPresMV friends for dinner from the Morning Glory food truck–or bring your own. We will have tables staked out, so join us when you can. The Thursday market runs from 4:00-6:00 with local vendors selling baked goods, meats, personal care products, and plant starts in addition to Morning Glory produce. The food truck will serve food from 4:00-7:00.
Are you available to help lead worship? Click here to sign up.
Our congregation is working with Mount Vernon Lisbon Child Care Solutions group to provide more childcare options in our communities. Specifically, our nursery may qualify to provide infant childcare. The architectural drawings have been submitted to the State Fire Marshal for approval. Meanwhile, the MVL Child Care Solutions work group is looking for an entrepreneur to run a daycare. The daycare administration will be independent of the church. Our goal is to meet a critical need in our community, not to have a source of income for the church.
Each PC(USA) congregation shares in the financial support for the work of the wider denomination at the presbytery, synod and national level. This support is called Per Capita, an amount per member apportioned by the member presbytery (in our case, the Presbytery of East Iowa). Our congregation’s per capita is $40.70 per member, or $5403 total. Thank you to everyone who has contributed the cost of their per capita. So far we have received $1363.45, or 25% of our share of support for the larger church.
Monday, June 12 through Friday, June 16
1:00-4:00pm at Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church
At this year’s VBS we take a deep dive into the Parable of the Good Samaritan and learn about neighbors around the globe. Cooperatively led by First Pres MV, Seeds of Faith Lutheran and the Mount Vernon UMC.
Sunday, May 21
8:15am Choir Practice in Community Room
9:15am Nursery care is available
9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary & Online
Sunday School for PreK and up! Children will leave with teachers following Discovery Time (children’s sermon)
10:30am Coffee Hour in Social Hall
3:00pm Private Graduation Party in Social Hall
Tuesday, May 23
1:00-3:00pm Church office hours Friday, May 26
9:00-12:00 Church Office Hours
Sunday, May 28 – Pentecost Sunday
9:15am Nursery care is available
9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary & Online
10:45am Potluck in Social Hall
3:00pm Private Graduation Party in Social Hall
Our mailing address is:
First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon301/309 FIRST ST NWMOUNT VERNON, IA 52314. Add us to your address book