Worship This Week
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Text: Matthew 18:15-35
First Sunday in Lent
This Sunday –
Narrative Lectionary Week 23
Jesus Teaches on Forgiveness
Jesus instructs his followers on how to resolve disputes among them. Jesus teaches forgiveness by telling the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant about a servant who fails to show the same grace to his debtors as was shown to him, and the servant’s resulting consequences.
We welcome Rev. Bill Warhover to the pulpit this week! Lori Wunder is taking the weekend off.
Find this week’s bulletin online here
Paper bulletins are available in the sanctuary.
Find Our Worship Online
Join us on Facebook or YouTube beginning at 9:20 (to enjoy the prelude; service begins at 9:30) for a LIVE stream of the service!
To find us on Facebook, search “First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, Iowa.”
To find us on YouTube, search “FirstPresMV” to find our channel, then click on LIVE.
Children PreK and older are invited to head to Sunday School with their teachers, Shane Austerman and Kristi Karwal-Clark following Discovery Time. Our lessons follow the same scripture read in worship.
For any youth grade 6 and older, this group is sponsored by Seeds of Faith Lutheran, Mount Vernon Methodist and our own First Pres MV.
Wednesday, March 1 – at the Methodist Church
6:30-8:00 pm What is a Presbyterian / Methodist / Lutheran Anyway?
Pastor Lori, Pastor Terra, and Pastor Roberta will help us learn how these three denominations are different, but also what they have in common.
It’s not too late to get one of these devotionals for families and individuals:
- Into the Wild: A Family-Friendly Devotional on Henri Matisse and the Season of Lent Matisse once said he liked to pray with a pencil. Week by week, with the words of Scripture and the art of Henri Matisse as our guides, we’ll head into the wild – all the way to the beautiful, joyful love of Easter morning.
- Wendell Berry and the Sabbath Poetry of Lent is geared toward adults. Inspired by nature, using some of Wendell Berry’s poetry (available online), scripture readings and practices, this is sure to be a rich way to walk toward Easter Sunday.
Prefer an e-reader version? Contact Pastor Lori (3194312227 or [email protected]).
FREE CONCERT – The Chicago Brass Quintet
Monday, February 27 at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary
As Cornell continues to repair King Chapel from derecho damage, their free public concert series is moving into the Mount Vernon community. Come enjoy this chamber group that the New York Times hailed as “One of the best brass quintets in the world.”
Marie Riechers’ last day as Office Manager and Treasurer will be February 28. During her four years in this position, Marie helped move us to the digital world with social media posts, weekly emails, and setting up a new, cloud-based church database (ChurchTrac) that is easier to use and allows more users. Marie was just who we needed at just the right time. Thanks, Marie!
We are pleased to announce that Donna Warhover has been hired as the new office manager for the church. Donna will be starting this week by working with Marie on the transition process. In addition to growing beautiful and delicious vegetables at Morning Glory Farm, Donna has years of experience as an administrative professional. Donna’s hours are tentatively set for Tuesday and Friday morning. We will let you know when you can stop by to say hello!
Thursday, March 2 in the Community Room
Experience deep relaxation, surrender, Oneness, and inner peace through prayerful Singing Bowl Sound Healing and Yogic Sleep (Yoga Nidra). Begins and ends with the penetrating power of singing bowls. Yogic Sleep, a reclined meditative experience, is added. VA Hospitals and Clinics offer it to reduce stress, PTSD, insomnia, etc. Mystics use it for blissful states of Oneness rest in The Sacred. Prayerfully offered by Rev. Catherine Quehl-Engel. Click here for more information!
Sunday, February 26 – First Sunday in Lent
8:15am – Choir Rehearsal in Community Room
9:15am – Nursery care is available
9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
**Sunday School for PreK and older during worship
10:30am Coffee Hour in Social Hall
Monday, February 27
7:30pm Chicago Brass Quintet Concert in Sanctuary
Tuesday, February 28
7:00pm Community Painting Group
Wednesday, March 1
6:30pm Youth Group at Mount Vernon Methodist
Thursday, March 2
6:30pm Healing Sound Bath & Yogic Sleep in Community Room
Sunday, March 5
**No Choir**
9:15am Nursery care is available
9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
**Sunday School for PreK and older during worship**
10:30am Coffee Hours in Social Hall