Who can resist those trays of homemade treats and snacks that await us after worship each Sunday?

But treats, coffee, and juice aren’t all fellowship time is about. It is about people having conversations and catching up on what is happening in one another’s lives. It is about bringing generations together as children sit not just with other children but with other adults, as well. It is about welcoming visitors as connections are made and new friendships are formed.

In short, fellowship time is about building and strengthening community, and it is one of the most important things we do! For years, fellowship time has just sort of “magically happened” but now we need help.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Sign up with another individual or family to provide treats and help serve and clean up one Sunday a few times per year.
  • Help stock the cupboards! We like to have cookies, crackers, cheese cubes, bags of apples, etc. on hand as back up.
  • Take home one of the containers marked “Fellowship,” fill it with treats, and return it to the freezer.


Thanks to everyone who has helped this summer! A few more Sundays are open in July and August.